by - February 28, 2017

Photo by me on my i phone

Hi ! A blog on maternity photos ! 
So as we know I love a good photo why ? Because time goes so fast in baby world not so much bump world that feels like an eternity towards the end ! I joke a lot with the saying i take a photo a day! but i really do most days if i'm not at work take photos!

I documented my bump myself weekly and lost all the pics that were saved on my bump app but I do have some pics from my bump updates and random ones I took along the way and our lovely friend Ewa took so bump ones for us also! 
I love having the memories and I still having had Thea want as many memories as possible it really does go so fast before you know it your nearly at one year! 

I look back and I'm thankful my sister took pics In the hospital the are some of my fave to look back on, I'm also glad I took some bump ones along the way I was huge - if you asked me at the time I said I didn't think I was that big ha ha but looking back at baby shower photos and those last few bumps - I was rather big swelling had already started and later with the c section complications got worse where was I looking ! Totally in denial ha ha !

I wanted to have maternity ones done and by luck a friend of ours had started some photography and asked if she could come and photo the bump ! 
I wasn't feeling to brave as stretch Marks were getting bad and I felt like nothing fitted here's something you didn't see in the pics the dress I wore wasn't done up !

photo by Ewa Highland Photography 

I really enjoyed our afternoon with Ewa and i would recommend documenting your journey! i had extra scans and so for me bump/maternity photos went with out saying! pinterest was something i looked at for home DIY bump pics along with photo edit apps such as Enlight and Afterlight great for filters and light settings.
most of my home ones are very easy to do and i'm only really happy with my name letter ones from a point of how they look photography wise! but i love that i have all the memories in a weird way i miss my bump!

i find the i phone camera perfectly good for photos but if your looking for professional photos then having some one else take them for you is better some of mine need cropping as back grounds are not clear and white or i had to hold the camera in a silly angle to get the bump fully in the shot- the name letter photos i took during some DIY in Thea's room so i had a unit in the middle of the room to hold the camera on! the basic i phone light setting i also find good for general picture editing

Photo by Ewa Highland Photography

The above photo was taken by Ewa but i added a phone app filter from Enlight for a previous blog on editing photos i do not do this to all my photos and i never used these filters for most of my of my DIY bump ones but it is so easy! as the weeks fly by now i take more everyday style photos of Thea playing or sitting less pose ones and of course selfies ha ha !
Even though Thea is only 10 months i look back at photos and i cant believe how fast they change in a short time! from not being able to sit to sitting even smiling or being able to hold a toy or even look at the camera!

photo by me with my i phone 

Photo documenting is not for everyone of course but for me i will continue to take them and maybe by the time Thea is 18 would have managed to find the time to print date and put them in a photo album! i have mum friends who are so good at organising and printing their photos! how do they do it the only thing i am consistent with is uploading them to the laptop as my phone has little storage which isn't helped by the fact i downloaded season 3 of pretty little liars to watch in hospital when i was having Thea and still have not finished the season or as Dom keeps suggesting downloading it to the i pad to free up phone space! i am half tempted to just ask my sister what happens and be done ha ha anyone who knows the show will be wondering why i am still so behind its been out a long time!

one thing i have been terrible at getting is a family photo of us with Thea and Dom's 3 kids which would be really lovely to have anyone have any tips on how to get a good photo with 4 kids all at once ha ha i think i will be the really annoying mum who wants a traditional family photo every Christmas! i've already got carried away in excitement for matching mum and baby outfits! Instagram is dangerous! i always find my excuse for buying Thea outfits or matching things is i'm helping smaller businesses out and there are mum run shops for hand made clothing on there which are unique and amazing! yep you guessed matchy match blog / fave insta shop blog coming soon!

example of thea photos done at home 

I also have a few half written blogs on skinny tan and Thea's most used items which have been in the pipe line for a while! and the big 1 blog will be live the week of  Thea's b day as i will have millions of photos from her cake smash and 1 year photo sessions here at home with the help of a lovely friend who is lending me a photography back ground! 
most excited for the outfits and our lovely friend is making a unicorn smash cake it will be to pretty to smash! and my sister is helping with a cake for her b day party that wont hopefully wont be smashed!

thank you for reading! we hope to write again soon lots of blogs pending on a plus i have some holiday to take from work so i can get writing!

Hannah and Thea 

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